A message from director, Logan Greene

Dear Groundworks family,

Anyone who knows me knows that I have spent my whole adult life working to build a community around DIY, all-ages music here in my hometown of Tucson, Arizona. From going to shows at Skrappy’s, playing in my ska band at Zia and the Boardwalk, organizing and booking at the Living Room, Hangart, and Dry River, all the way until 2018 when I got the idea in my head to start my own space in the void of all those that came before. That’s when the first spark of what would become Groundworks came to life.

In 2019, I rallied my closest friends, built a board of directors, filed for our nonprofit status, stretched my fundraising skills and worked out a deal for a commercial lease to begin the real work. That’s when Groundworks became a reality. Of course, when 2020 came, the pandemic nearly stopped the entire project before it even began. At that point the team was left with a major decision about the future of the organization and we decided to dig deeper, go bigger, and truly commit-to-the-bit of DIY in Tucson… and I am so glad we did.

This year, Groundworks *technically* turned 3 years old, though our doors only officially opened on November 13th of 2021. While things have changed in our team, our scene and the world around us, I would not trade the last three years and the people I’ve shared it with for anything else. Our work has provided a safe space for young bands and artists, educational efforts to empower our youth-led programming teams, and a hub for the greater artistic community here in town. We have a long way to go to reach all of our goals, but I feel good about the work we have done, are doing, and will be doing in the years to come.

To celebrate all things Groundworks, we are hosting our 2nd annual Camp Groundworks event this weekend on August 5th and 6th. This is also our biggest fundraiser of the year and we are asking for your continued support of the space through sharing the event, coming in-person, watching online and donating to the cause if you are able. Visit our website to learn more about helping our organization!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and Groundworks so far. Thank you to my family and partners who have put up with my incessant lectures on tax law. Thank you to the bands and artists who have contributed their talent on stage and in our galley. Thank you to the donors and sponsors who help keep the lights on. Most of all THANK YOU for your commitment to arts in Tucson and to all-ages, DIY arts and music. 



Logan Greene

Director, Groundworks Tucson

Click here to download the full letter

Logan Greene